Congratulations to WOS24 artists on exhibition successes

Bethany with her Medusae Miscellanea
- when exhibited at Coventry Open in 2023

Delighted to be currently showing work at Art at the Alex from all 18 of our Warwickshire Open Studios (WOS) summer arts weeks artists and makers. The WOS24 @Art at the Alex exhibition (1 June - 7 July) gives you a (small) taste of what is in store. Meanwhile elsewhere in town work by 13 of our WOS24 artists is on show in Floor One as part of a special WOS show: 'Artistic Expressions of Joy: From Barcelona and Warwickshire' (18th-29th June, special meet the artist event on 22nd June, 1-3pm). This exhibition also includes work by seven artists from Art in Dunchurch as well as by talented 'out of town' WOS artists. Then further afield (Leamington), the LSA Art Room is showing work by WOS artists across the region including six who have work at the Alex for WOS (see gallery). Three exhibitions AND Warwickshire Open studios? Phenomenal work and energy from local artists and makers. However this post pictures work by two specific WOS24 Art at the Alex artists who have had success in exhibition selections at the highest level. Delighted that their selected works also have connections to past WOS Summer Art Weeks activity at the Alex.

Bethany Hughes (pictured above, also know as Blue Coppice) was delighted to have her ‘Medusae Miscellanea' embroidery selected for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. There are over 9000 entries to this so its a heck of an achievement. We are especially pleased that this is a work that Bethany was working on during many of her appearances at the Alex throughout 2022, including Open Studios. The downside is that the work will not be on her WOS24 stand (its being shown off in London instead!). Perhaps a cardboard cut out for now as a stand in here?

Sarais's workspace at WOS23
- starting to plan
In 2021 we were very impressed that Sarais Crawshaw (Saraisbron on instagram) had one of her works selected as a finalist for the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year awards. These are described as the Nobel Prizes for Wildlife painters. I was name-dropping to every visitor! Sarais has done it again this year and gone one better this time. She has TWO works selected and one of these (pictured above as a work in progress and as the finished piece) is a cut paper work based on a heronry. She was working on during WOS23, taking it from sketches to ready to frame over 8 days. Fingers crossed that she will be successful in the finals at the end of the year. Perhaps with both works!

The work at the end of WOS23, ready to frame

This does raise a question?  What will these and other artists at the Alex be working on during WOS24? Maybe more winning items? We really push the idea that at the Alex you will often see the people who made the work on show and - at Warwickshire Open Studios and other large events particularly- see the artist at work.

More Information:

Warwickshire Open Studios - artists at the Alex, profiles for each artist

David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition