Checking out here - swop to the new website please ...

John Slinger MP mentions Art at the Alex in the Commons on 30 Jan 2025
(Find out more in the newsletter, or at the new website)

On 18th February 2025 it will be three years since we bought the Alex. It has not been a straightforward journey, but its been interesting, educational and often heart-warming. We now have four studio artists, a regular chef in the cafe, a full programme for the next year, an extra day open weekly and A NEW WEBSITE.

This blogger/blogspot website has been 'standing in' since mid-2022 and is now ready to be retired. It has lots of useful info so it won't be disappearing. The new site is accessed using the 'old' address of It will have much of the same structure as the old site but allows us to show several news stories on the front page at the same time. This helps us to reflect how much is going on/coming up here. (Check out the February 2025 newsletter - you will see that the calendar for the Alex has lots of moving parts!). Do come and visit. Any website can only give you a fleeting impression of what its like at Art at the Alex. Thanks for your support.